
Meet Luke Williams the founder and owner of Thermoelectrics. Luke was born and raised in Cape Town. He has been in the electrical field since 2002 and has continued to grow and excel in his passion over the years. Although a Capetonian at heart, due to different electrical projects he has travelled around the country and resided in Gauteng for 13 years while working on and maintaining factory, residence facilities and being involved in construction on the Westrand. This is where he had the privilege of working in different electrical sectors and obtaining excellent training from various artisans.

He obtained his qualification in 2007 as an electrical contractor. In 2011 he acquired his wireman’s licence which led him to being involved in compliance inspections and signing off electrical installations and systems.

He has always had the vison and goal of starting his own business. In 2016 Thermoelectrics began operating, with only one vehicle and one assistant operating from a home garage and office. Today there are two teams running construction, solar installations, compliance inspections, repairs, maintenance, and other general electrical work with three vehicles all operating from offices in Burgundy Estate.

Luke’s desire for a high standard in workmanship and service has been reflected in the feedback from clients and the attitude of the employees working here.

The Team

Thermoelectrics team 24 May 2024